And the winner is...
Unfortunately not me! I’m not the winner. BUT...and I am still in shock when I say this...I came second in the Children category of an International Professional Photography society, The SWPP. When I attended the awards night in London this weekend I was humbled just to have a nomination in the category. I was so excited I even bought a dress for the event. And those of you who know me know that I'm not one for wearing dresses so it really does have to be a special occasion. As I sat and watched the slideshow of nominated images I was convinced that a nomination was all that I was going to have. The quality of the images and the stature of the photographers in the room was astounding, many reaching levels which I aspire to.
When the time for the winners to be announced came around and third place was awarded I believed that I was definitely out of the running, so it was a good job i was sitting down when I heard the words "...and in second place, Heulwyn Roberts..." and saw the image I created of my youngest son flash up on the screen behind the presenters. Shock, humility, excitement were only a few of the emotions I was feeling at the time.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have believed in me and helped me on my journey. To Damian and Lesley McGillicuddy for the mentoring and friendship, to my son Lachlan for putting up with my requests for his time, to my friends for their encouragement and to all the photographers who's workshops I have attended for sharing their knowledge so freely. And finally to the Jones family for running the amazing organisation that is The SWPP.